Last updated · 26 March 2024

E-waste management

Let’s talk rubbish. E-rubbish. What it is and how we can make sure that we are disposing of things the right way, it’s not all that complicated, it’s easy in fact. So let’s make sure we are doing it responsibly.

What is E-Waste?

Good question. E-waste is anything electronic that’s past its prime or no longer needed. For us, that could look like:

  • Laptops, desktops, monitors

  • Phones and tablets

  • Printers, keyboards, mice, cables

  • Batteries and other tech accessories

Anything that plugs in or (no longer) powers up and is ready to retire.

Why bother?

We know that chucking old tech in the bin isn’t an option. Electronics contain toxic materials like lead and mercury, which, if not handled properly, can harm the environment. By disposing of e-waste responsibly, we’re doing our part to reduce our footprint.

What do we do then?

Before anything, if you’re about to toss out a device, ask yourself: Can it still be used? Can someone else benefit from it? If not, it’s e-waste. We always look to repair primarily, and if not, we’ll recycle devices where possible. If your device has come to the end of it's days and it can't be repaired, flag Catarina and we'll get you a replacement, but only once we’ve tried damn hard to get it fixed.

Donation and reuse

Before sending any item to e-waste heaven, we check if they can be donated, sold or reused. It could even be re-used within Significa. If not, schools, charities, or other organisations may benefit from gear that’s still functional. We’ll explore those options first.


We’ve got a separate bin for those. Batteries don’t belong in the trash— pop them in the marked battery bin in the upstairs office. We encourage you to even bring them in from home and fill our battery bin (in upstairs office) - we dispose of it on a monthly basis at a designated drop off point.

What we expect from you

Everyone at Significa is responsible for keeping this simple system running smoothly:

  • Reduce waste: Take care of your devices so they last longer. Only upgrade or request new equipment when you really need to.

  • Dispose properly: Don’t leave old tech lying around. Use the drop-off point and let Catarina know when you have something big to dispose of.

Let’s keep our e-waste in check and make Significa a place that’s both innovative and environmentally responsible.