Last updated · 14 February 2024

Compassionate leave

Life happens to all of us, doesn't it? And if you are reading this page, you are probably not doing it for the best of reasons. We are sorry for your loss.

We created this page to save you from the hassle of scraping through Social Security's website in search of information.

First of all, this leave is optional. You may take it, or you may not. We are all different: some of us prefer to spend time off work, grieving in peace, whereas others prefer to occupy their minds at work as an escape from unfortunate events.

We are absolutely cool with both and leave it entirely up to you. If you prefer to hang around with us, we are happy to have you here, help you, and distract you from whatever happened.

If you prefer to take time off work, here's what you need to know about paid compassionate leave by Social Security:

  • These days are consecutive and start counting from the day of demise.

  • For first-degree descendants (your child, step-child, or your son or daughter-in-law), you’re entitled to up to 20 consecutive days.

  • For your partner, parents, step-parents or parents-in-law, you are entitled to 5 consecutive days.

  • For your siblings, brother/sister-in-law, grandparents, great-grandparents, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, you are entitled to 2 consecutive days.

Great-grandchildren? You ask. Yep, we've got some pretty old people working at Significa, indeed.

If you don’t feel this amount of days is enough and you need more time to grieve and recover from this unfortunate circumstance, please let us know. We want you to feel comfortable getting back to work when the time is right for you, once you're ready to go full-on productivity mode.

Pregnancy Loss

Pregnancy loss before 24-weeks

If you lose your baby, first of all, we are deeply sorry.

If a miscarriage happens at this stage of pregnancy, you don’t qualify for maternity leave.

However, if you were pregnant, your doctor will likely sign you off for a period of 14 to 30 days. You need to apply for the salary to be paid by social security. If you wish to take longer than you have been signed-off for, please let us know, and we’ll figure it out for you.

Pregnancy loss after 24 weeks or neonatal death

If this happens to you and you're the birth parent, you're entitled to a full parental leave of 120 days, at 100% pay by Social Security. The other parent is entitled to 10 mandatory working days, paid at 100% by Social Security.

Again, if you feel you need a longer or a shorter leave, please talk with us.

When does my parental leave and pay start?

If your baby is stillborn, your leave will start on the day your baby is stillborn.

Legal support

Some cases may require legal support. Yep, we're thinking about inheritances-related shenanigans, for example.

For this, we've got you covered with two separate options:

  • Pulso offers legal support for these matters too. Feel free to reach out to them and use their lawyer for counselling. They have a limited number of sessions you can use, but should you need more, just let us know, and we'll try to arrange it for you.

  • We have our own lawyer. If the situation spirals out of control and you need even deeper assistance, we're happy to get you in touch with our beloved attorney at law. You better call Saul!

P.S.: His name is not Saul, but we found the parallelism with Better Call Saul to be a good pun.